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CollectionInstance <C>

An Instance that provide methods to request information and items from a specific Collection.

You can access a CollectionInstance using StarlightClient.collection.

To list all workspace collections, use a CollectionSelector.





  • Returns a StarlightItemResponse with a single Collection.


    Requesting information from a collection of slug featured-news.

    import Starlight from '@starlightcms/js-sdk'

    const response = await Starlight.collection('featured-news').get()

    Returns Promise<StarlightItemResponse<Collection<CollectionTypeMapper<C>>>>


  • Returns a StarlightListResponse with the list of items of this Collection. The returned list type depends on the collection type: a list of Entries for a collection of type entry, a list of MediaObjects for a collection o type media, and so on.

    If the given Collection is not typed, this method will return a response of StarlightListResponse<unknown>.


    Requesting all items from an Entry collection of slug featured-news.

    import Starlight from '@starlightcms/js-sdk'

    const response = await Starlight.collection('featured-news').items()

    Explicitly typing the returned items. Only possible in TypeScript.

    import Starlight from '@starlightcms/js-sdk'
    import { NewsPostType } from '../types'

    // response will be StarlightListResponse<Entry<NewsPostType>>
    const response = await Starlight.collection<Entry<NewsPostType>>('featured-news').items()


    Returns Promise<StarlightListResponse<C>>